Hello! My name is Roberta Irvine, and I’m a dietitian, salesperson, and business developer with more than 25 years of food industry experience.
I started Food Propeller because I noticed after 25 years in the food industry that many food entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with having to wear so many hats. It’s tough to be the CEO, marketer, sales-person, accountant, shipper, distributor and visionary leader…all at once. My idea with Food Propeller is to take some of the stress off the shoulders of small to medium size business owners, so they have time to work on growing their business by looking for new innovative opportunities.

My journey in the food industry started as a food production dietitian at a hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba, it was a steep learning curve to figure out how to prepare 1,200 meals per day that were nutritious and tasty. From there, I went into nutrition sales with companies such as Nestle; I loved the emphasis on the customer’s needs and nutrition education with ground- breaking products. There is nothing like a sales job to keep you organized and focused on end results! My last stint was at the Food Development Centre in Portage la Prairie Manitoba. I had ten wonderful years of meeting and working with food entrepreneurs to develop new food products and ingredients, often with an agricultural component.

As well as spending time with my contract companies, I really like to travel within my home province, within Canada and abroad to visit food markets/farms and take cooking courses. In our global world being connected to other cultures and food is really inspiring.